Orders & Returns

We care deeply about our customers, and this page is dedicated to ensuring your complete satisfaction. Here, you will find all the essential information and steps to address all your questions regarding orders, returns, and exchanges efficiently

We process and ship all orders within 24 hours of placement. You can find the status of your order through the tracking link provided in your confirmation email.

I did not receive my order confirmation.If you have not received your order confirmation, please contact our customer support team.
Use the subject line “Order Confirmation Missing” to ensure your request is addressed promptly.

Your tracking number comes with your order confirmation email. If you have not received yourtracking number, please contact our customer support team.

Use the subject line “Tracking Number Missing” to ensure your request is addressed promptly.

With your order confirmation, we send a tracking number. Please click on the link provided to check the status of your order.

Our orders are usually processed within 24 hours and can be expected to arrive within 5-7 business days. However, delivery times may vary based on the shipping method selected, the destination address, and product availability.

If you wish to cancel or change your order before it has been shipped, please contact our customer support team immediately via email. Use the subject line “Cancel Order” or “Update Order” to ensure your request is processed promptly. We will make every effort to halt your order before it is dispatched. Please note that we typically ship all orders on the same day they are placed.

If you would like to return your order, please contact our customer support team by email before sending anything back. Without prior notification, we cannot guarantee a refund. Items must be returned within 14 days of receipt to be eligible for a refund. All items must be in their original, unopened condition, including all packaging and accessories, and must be undamaged.

Do not send any items back without first coordinating with a member of our customer service team. Once we have received and processed your return, we will issue a refund within 14 days.

Please note that return shipping costs are the responsibility of the customer and are non-refundable.

Return address
Sugar Support
Kleine Esch 669
2841 MK Moordrecht

Do not send any items back without first coordinating with a member of our customer service

Damaged items
If you receive your package damaged, please contact our customer support by email as soon as
possible with the subject line “Damaged Item.” Be sure to include any pictures of the damaged
item(s) to help us address the issue promptly.

I did not receive any refund
Once we receive your returned item, our team will inspect the package. This process may take
up to 14 days before your refund is processed.